The Regressive Party Agenda

I just saw this yesterday at the local grocery store. It’s a gag gift with cotton candy in it. While it states no actual poop is included, it is unbelievable that they would even make a sales pitch of poop being tasty. I have no idea how long this product has been around. If my reaction is delayed on things, it’s because I am not on any viral social media platforms. Some people may think this is harmless fun, but this is a clear indication of where our world is headed- total depravity.

In the Book of Deuteronomy, poop is a symbol of uncleanness.

Designate a place outside the camp where you can go to relieve yourself. 13 As part of your equipment have something to dig with, and when you relieve yourself, dig a hole and cover up your excrement. 14 For the Lord your God moves about in your camp to protect you and to deliver your enemies to you. Your camp must be holy, so that he will not see among you anything indecent and turn away from you.

Deuteronomy 23:12-14


This letter came in the mail today. It pretty much lays out the changes that are coming and what the Progressive Party wants to bring about in our nation. I don’t intend to play the blame game, but to those who voted for the progressive party platform and claim to be Christian, this is what you voted in. It is the farthest thing from biblical values. If your conscience did not bother you before regarding their platform, you need to reassess your profession to Christianity. The truth hurts but it needs to be said.


Is it too late for our country to turn around? Only God knows the answer to this. However, the reality is that the House controlled by the Regressive Party started this year by praying to pagan idols. Biblical accounts tell us that doing so is something that is detestable to God. While we have done what we know to do to vote in a platform that would promote our Christian values, the job rests on those whom we thought would represent our cause. When they choose cowardice over courage, we become subject to their choices.

Sources cited by the letter

“As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.”

Matthew 24:37

“Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the LORD, and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.

Isaiah 55:7

17 thoughts on “The Regressive Party Agenda

  1. As I’ve been observing the direction our nation is going in, this passage from Isaiah 5 came to my spirit:

    20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for
    21 Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!
    22 Woe unto them that are mighty to drink wine, and men of strength to mingle strong drink:
    23 Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the righteous from him!
    24 Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the Lord of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.

    I pray daily for our leaders, and for our nation’s population as a whole. Though I’ve read many Bible Prophecies, but never thought I’d actually witness some of the stuff that’s going on now.

    I’m very worried about a Bathroom Bill being reintroduced in my state, that will let anybody go into any restroom they want to. I’m a “born again” believer, but any man that attempts to follow my wife into a public restroom, because he claims that he identifies as a woman on that particular day, is going to have some serious trouble from me.


    1. Mr. Dunning,

      I am glad to see you changing your stance on Democrats. Over at another blogger’s site, you were asking him to rethink his stance, “Saying that “All Democrats are evil” is a very strong statement. We humbly ask that you rethink your stance. Take some time to listen to each person’s personal reasons for voting Democrat. Don’t fight with your fellow Christian brothers and sisters Get to know people and their personal convictions.”

      I hope that all Christians would indeed look deeper than go by mere appearances.

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    2. I can only pray that God will help you, and anyone else reading this, to understand my stance. I don’t want to argue with anyone.

      The comment that you are referring to, stemmed from that other Blogger making a statement that “there is no such thing as a Christian Democrat” a few months ago. Several people were hurt by this comment, including an African American woman who’d recently lost her Christian Democrat aunt. The Blogger has since explained his stance further. All is well now, and there are no ill feelings towards him from anyone I know of.

      I am a Republican, and voted Republican for every office except the President this time. I prayed long and hard about that decision; And God did give me peace about voting for Buydin. I know the things that Joe will bring forth, but I know that God will empower me to do what He has ordained for me to do regardless of who is in the White House.

      I understand that folks like you stuck with Trump, because of his policies; And I respect that. I hope to be able to vote for a Republican President in 2024.

      All I can say is that in my lifetime, I have met plenty of evil people, and plenty of sincere Christians from both political parties. I just pray that believers on the Left and the Right will allow the Savior to bring them together, so that we all can stand against our true enemies, Satan and is demons.


    3. Mr. Dunning,

      The quote you posted from Isaiah 5 was a rebuke from the Holy Spirit to any professing Christian who was deceived by mere words and seeming benevolence that the Democratic Party has sold to their constituents. The worst kind of evil stems from self-deception. It is when one thinks they are standing right with God, but disregard what is clearly revealed in His Word. People rationalize and justify things when they are being convicted by the Holy Spirit. It is repentance and humility that liberates.

      “I just pray that believers on the Left and the Right will allow the Savior to bring them together, so that we all can stand against our true enemies, Satan and is demons.”

      Agreed. However, our political stance rely heavily on the set of beliefs we adhere to.

      Your story does not check out – You said this at the other blogger’s post, “It makes me want to vomit that I had to vote for an Independent this year.” And then here, you say “And God did give me peace about voting for Buydin.” Which one is the true statement? It can’t be both. I was not aware people could vote for two different candidates during an election year. Actually, if this is the case, it substantiates the Conservatives’ claim of voter fraud.

      “You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.”

      James 4:4

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    4. Hello Jon,

      Reading the comments, I don’t know if I’m speaking with the wife or with Jon. I will address both.

      For Jon—How can you be a conservative and just because Trump’s personality didn’t fit your persona, you decided to jump ship? How about the other folks that needed your vote to stop Biden and his demonic policies that will kill a baby after 9 months, promote transgender, and legalize prostitution. Why didn’t you fight for that? Trump didn’t have those demonic policies, did he?

      Are you sure you didn’t hate the man? I will leave that up to you and God. Only you know the answer to that question.

      Why did you side with the world about Trump? The Bible says that the world hates Christ and the things of Christ. Ask yourself the question. Why did the world hate Trump so much if the world belongs to Satan? Then, why should I agree with the world about Trump if indeed, it belongs to the devil?

      For the wife—How can you vote for Biden? Knowing that he is for destroying righteousness. Promoting Islam, a false religion, and is for the detestable lifestyles that made God (in the Old Testament) cast out of the land of Canaan to give it to Abraham and his descedants. God said that we should not participate or support the things that God deems detestable. Biden and his administration are for those detestable things and yet, you voted for that. Without a shadow of a doubt, you sinned. You need to repent. Please, read the paper that Caeli posted here and see how evil his policies really are. How can a Christian stand with that? It blows me away when a Christian votes Democrat.

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    5. Hello, Caeli

      I am Jon Dunning’s daughter; And I’ve spent the last few hours getting caught up on this whole situation from my parents, reading a few of your posts, reading posts from Spiritual Minefield, and then trying to figure out a way to respond to you in Christian grace and love. I have warned my parents several times in the past against commenting on BLOG sites, and especially against getting into political discussions with people whom they don’t know well. I am only commenting now to clear a few things up, and this will be my only comment.

      My father initially commented on this post then my mother took it upon herself to respond to you with dad’s info. As you are now aware, my parents voted for different people. Their faith in Jesus is solid, and He knows the reasons why they did so. I will assure you that neither of them endorse abortion or homosexuality, however they do care about people and ensuring that all races and social classes are treated fairly and are provided with the resources needed for them to live a productive life.

      You could use any scripture or other excuse you want to try to justify it, but your response to my mom was very rude and harsh…even if there was some confusion with who you were actually addressing. If my parents had ben pestering commenters who frequent your site regularly, then I would understand how you responded. But this is the first time you’ve ever interacted with them.

      There is an demonic force behind the division in our nation; And it starts with the division amongst believers. We live in a fallen world right now, and there are things that Christians on the Left and Right are going to have to agree to disagree about, but still love one another. Satan is the only one who benefits when Christians start ripping each other apart over politics. When Jesus returns for His bride, what shape will He find His church in?

      My parents have been advised not to return to this site for the time being, and to stay away from discussing politics with people online. We have already forgiven you for being so harsh, and all three of us are adding you to our Prayer List, that God would increase your wisdom and aid you as you find yourself interacting with people who may or may not share your exact convictions.

      In Christian Love,



    6. My main goal in blogging is to promote the truth of God’s Word. If I make enemies, the Scripture is replete with warnings that this is to be expected.

      “I have warned my parents several times in the past against commenting on BLOG sites, and especially against getting into political discussions with people whom they don’t know well. I am only commenting now to clear a few things up, and this will be my only comment.

      It is disturbing that a daughter is telling her parents on how to behave. This is NOT normal in a Christian household.

      “You could use any scripture or other excuse you want to try to justify it, but your response to my mom was very rude and harsh…even if there was some confusion with who you were actually addressing. If my parents had ben pestering commenters who frequent your site regularly, then I would understand how you responded. But this is the first time you’ve ever interacted with them.”

      People always invoke ad hominem to silence the truth and you are entitled to your own perception. However, I am not ashamed of my reaction. I have used Scripture in its proper context and application. If you have a problem with it, you take that up with God. It is nothing but plain deception that someone is commenting on my blog under the pretense of someone else’s identity.

      “There is an demonic force behind the division in our nation; And it starts with the division amongst believers. We live in a fallen world right now, and there are things that Christians on the Left and Right are going to have to agree to disagree about, but still love one another. Satan is the only one who benefits when Christians start ripping each other apart over politics. When Jesus returns for His bride, what shape will He find His church in?”

      I agree with what you said here. I do not go around other people’s blogs and asking them to recant their beliefs as your father has. I respect people’s opinions and try to engage them to explain why they came to their stance. One thing I can say is that Satan is working hard to smear those who speak the truth with lies and undermine their credibility. Politics is divisive and even when we see truth being suppressed, truth will prevail in God’s appointed time.

      I do appreciate your comment.

      Liked by 1 person

    7. Hello Samantha,

      First of all, can you show me Caeli’s rude statement? If you are going to accuse someone, at least provide the evidence, or else, it will make you onto a slanderer.

      “Their faith in Jesus is solid”

      Then why vote for a wicked man and go against the Scriptures?

      “I will assure you that neither of them endorse abortion or homosexuality”

      Okay, now that is a contradiction. How can you be against “abortion or homosexuality” and still vote for the person who promotes “abortion or homosexuality”? Does that make sense to you because it makes absolutely no sense to me.

      “There is an demonic force behind the division in our nation”

      Yes, I totality agree with that statement. The demons wanted Biden in power to destroy America. We both see that now, through his policies. This election was so important that some baby Christians got caught up with the fake news about Trump’s personality instead of seeing the real evil that was trying to get the White House. All the Christians who voted for Biden are responsible for what he will put out and make it into law.

      “there are things that Christians on the Left and Right are going to have to agree to disagree about, but still love one another.”

      To say that a Christian can be on the left, perplexes me because the left (the Democratic party) are for things that goes against the Word of God. How can a Christian be for that? And, how can two Christians agree to disagree on moral issues? The Bible is crystal clear. If one Christian disagree—he or she is found to be going against God’s Word.

      “Satan is the only one who benefits when Christians start ripping each other apart over politics.”

      If we are, like you say, “ripping each other apart” for the sake of the truth, then it must be done to expose falsehood so others won’t fall in deception. Now, if it is for the sake of controversy, then it is a sin. Politics shape a country by making laws for its people. We as Christians want to see laws that are right and good, promoting Godliness. If we see a party that will want to make evil laws, we as Christians must vote against such a party because the Holy Spirit has changed us from within in to love righteousness and to detest evil.

      “My parents have been advised not to return to this site”

      Everyone has a choice. Your parents can do what they like. I, as a believer in Christ Jesus, would advice you and your parents to really study God’s Word and dig deeper because the truth is what shapes us to love the things that God loves and to detest the things that God dislikes. We have to be followers of Christ through the Scriptures. And look at everything with the lens of God’s Word.

      In the end, the Word of God is what will distinguish a person from the world, who really belongs to Jesus and who does not. Do we follow it and allow it to shape how we think and act, or do we read it and forget what it said.

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    8. “If we are, like you say, “ripping each other apart” for the sake of the truth, then it must be done to expose falsehood so others won’t fall in deception.”

      Amen! Thanks for the support.

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    9. Hello Jon,

      It saddens me to see how much you and others wanted me to recant my stance on what the Democrats wanted for America. I told you in my posts that the Democrat’s policies are very wicked, but you still wanted me to recant. How in the world can a believer in Jesus Christ, knowing full well what the Democrat represents, go and vote for that party? How can you call yourself a Christian and vote for a party that has policies that frankly are demonic?

      Now you are complaining about what Biden is bringing to the table which is anti-God. How in the world could you not vote against such an evil person. By the way, voting third party does absolutely nothing in stopping evil from getting into the White House.

      It was your duty as an American and Christian to vote for polices that were aligned to God’s standards.

      The way we love the truth is if we are reading it daily. The more you read, the more you will want it for this country and not be confused about it.

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    10. I believe we are seeing fascism at play here. It appears they want us to stop speaking the truth that convicts. It reminds me of the ravenous nature of hypocritical liars. They want us to cower to their deception! May the Lord help us on the tumultuous road ahead.

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